{"id":261,"date":"2009-07-24T13:03:26","date_gmt":"2009-07-24T13:03:26","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/learn.sterilizers.com\/?p=261"},"modified":"2013-09-30T13:15:49","modified_gmt":"2013-09-30T13:15:49","slug":"water-oxidation-creates-biocides-sanitization","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/learn.sterilizers.com\/blog\/news\/water-oxidation-creates-biocides-sanitization\/","title":{"rendered":"Water Oxidation Creates Biocides For Sanitization"},"content":{"rendered":"

Radical, an innovative UK company, has developed a sanitization system for the food processing industry based upon water oxidation.\u00a0 Their machine creates high concentrations of ozone in a dedicated water supply. The process then goes on to create hydrogen peroxides and hydroxyl ions.\u00a0 These substances are powerful biocides that dissipate readily after the decontamination of target surfaces.\u00a0 This new, viable and cheap alternative to chlorine based methods was featured in Food Quality News in May of 2009.<\/p>\n

It is a highly effective method for killing harmful microorganisms that are associated with common food borne illnesses.\u00a0 Some of the bugs destroyed include salmonella and e-coli bacteria.\u00a0 In addition to all sorts of bacteria, it will eliminate viruses, yeast, and molds.\u00a0 Getting rid of these pathogens vastly improves hygiene wherever this device is used.<\/p>\n

A powerful electric current is passed through water to create unstable forms of oxygen.\u00a0 Precautions are taken so personnel do not breathe in any ozone generated during this process.\u00a0 Most of the O3 is used in the formation of more efficient biocide chemicals (such as H2O2) that then actively react with any biologic agent present.\u00a0 These are so powerful that they will not linger in the environment for long periods of time.\u00a0 This makes surfaces or objects processed with this\u00a0method safe to handle after a short waiting period.<\/p>\n

Some advantages of Radical over traditional chlorine based systems are its:<\/p>\n