In a press release in December of 2008, ASP (Advanced Sterilization Products) announced a new product line that would eliminate the need for manual cleaning of endoscopes. EVOTECHTM is the first available automatic endoscope cleaner and re-processor on the market. In February of 2009, ASP announced an update. 60 units had already been delivered in little more than two and a half months.

The company has already received a high level of positive feedback on the new system from the surgical centers to which it sold the equipment. The automatic cleaning system clearly operates at high standards that meet or exceed the professional guidelines for manual cleaning.  Risk associated with human variability in the cleaning process is greatly reduced if not eliminated.  Results are consistent and predictable.

Hands-free operation makes the device convenient to use and safe. The integrated minimum effective concentration (MEC) monitor limits the possibility of any exposure of personnel to the high-level disinfectant. Readouts assure that the endoscopes are processed properly.  Automatic leak testing both before and after cleaning ensures that the endoscopes are in proper working order.  An alcohol flush cycle promotes thorough drying of these sensitive instruments. An alarm alerts staff when the cycle is completed in 33 minutes or less.

Heat sensitive semi-critical endoscopes (those sensitive to temperatures greater than 60 degrees Celsius) can be cleaned with EVOTECHTM. This is accomplished using the high-level disinfectant CIDEX® OPA concentrate solution and an enzymatic detergent.  Redundancy in the cleaning process is necessary to reduce the possibility of infection.  The safety features on this machine are a welcome addition for the technicians who are responsible for cleaning endoscopes.

It is important to note that EVOTECHTM does not eliminate procedure room bedside precleaning.  The system has several cycle selections.  Manual cleaning is only eliminated when a wash stage is part of the cycle. When the cycle selection is for Disinfect only or Disinfect/Alcohol Flush Cycle, prior hand cleaning is required.  EVOTECHTM is a specialized instrument washer that can only do a proper cleaning job when operated according to directions.

What’s New At ASP?

Being a division of Johnson & Johnson, ASP has lots of things happening.  From time to time they hold seminars about staying current in this field of study.  The training event was on May 17, 2009. It focused on EVOTECHTM and the initial results from the CLEANR (Clinical Evaluation and Assessment of ENdoscope Reprocessing) study. This study evaluated the effectiveness and variability of various endoscopic reprocessing methods currently used in clinical practice in the United States.

Repeat recalls on the STERRAD NX and 50 systems have been a recent source of embarrassment for the company. Fortunately, there has been nothing but positive feedback and news about their EVOTECHTM System.  Hopefully, ASP will continue to rebuild consumer confidence in the high quality of their products. Keeping customers happy is the only way to stay in business in these hard economic times.

You deserve the best quality equipment that will perform when you need it most.  For valuable information on the selection of a sterilizer or autoclave click on this free report.

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