MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) and VRE (vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecalis) are both tough antibiotic resistant germs that can be transmitted through contact with contaminated surfaces. These common biologic pathogens tend to strike people with compromised immune systems. Such microbes have mutated in recent decades to become virtually invulnerable to all known treatments. The TANCS steam vapor system offers a way to fight the problems described below.

MRSA is a resistant Staph bacteria that can cause skin or other soft tissue infections and sometimes leads to pneumonia. Although the primary mode of transmission of this deadly form occurs through exposure in hospitals, it is also spread through a wide variety of other healthcare facilities. Recently, community acquired infections have been documented as well. This mutated species has been randomly tested and found on home shower curtains and other unhygienic surfaces.

VRE is a drug resistant form of bacteria that normally lives in the digestive tract. It can cause infections within the human intestines and female genitalia. The people most at risk are infants, elderly, and those with immune system problems. Most of these drug resistant forms of infections have been the result of hospital visits. These mutant bacteria have been found thriving on a variety of hospital equipment.

Basically if you become infected, there is little that can be done to cure you. Untreated you could suffer septicemia, multiple organ failure, and death. Before the introduction of antibiotics the most effective defense against disease was the human immune system. Our body’s natural defenses may turn out to be our only recourse when attempting to fight off emerging infectious germs in the future as well.

Prevention Is The Key To Safety

The spread of these emerging virulent bacteria can be slowed through fastidious and aggressive sanitation procedures. Although you cannot completely eliminate exposure, you can drastically limit it through the use of emerging technology. Confirmation that the TANCS equipment kills these germs on treated surfaces in seconds comes from studies conducted by the Texas based Antimicrobial Test Laboratories.

Clay porous surfaces were deliberately contaminated with artificial soil containing millions of viable MRSA and VRE cells. The president of Antimicrobial Test Laboratories, Benjamin Tanner, stated that steam from the TANCS system was able to destroy 99.9999% of these microbes in as little as 5 seconds of treatment. This is almost like bringing a steam autoclave to the contaminated surface to disinfect it. The tests were repeated twice with similar decontamination ratios. A comprehensive overview of these findings can be found at LaboratoryTalk.

Imagine if you could sanitize the tub, sink, toilet, tile, grout, and counter surfaces of your bathroom or kitchen with the same result. There would be little danger of spreading or contracting a community acquired MRSA infection. The same could be done for hospitals, schools, restaurants, and communal facilities at parks and malls. If you kill pathogens outside the body in places where we spend a majority of our time, then there is little chance of them getting inside our bodies where they can do the most harm. Through proper sanitation we create a barrier between these potentially unsafe microbes and ourselves.

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