When I reach the age of 50 and start being subjected to more invasive yearly checkups, I sincerely hope the physician I see uses the best method possible to clean his endoscopy equipment. A rubber encased fiber-optic tube that has been intimately familiar with the interior of another patient is definitely not my idea of something that should just get a “quick rinse” before reuse. The Tristel Cl02 Generator operated in conjunction with an Innova E series reprocessing unit gives doctors confidence that the scope they are wielding is squeaky clean.

There are many different types of endoscopes on the market but they all have one thing in common. Their surfaces can become coated in biofilm (or slime in layperson’s terms) which is difficult to remove. Keeping equipment sterile and in good condition is to everyone’s advantage. If each scope is checked for leaks after every procedure (before it is loaded into the washer) there is no danger of the chlorine dioxide reaching the interior of the instrument. The exterior can be thoroughly decontaminated without damaging the scopes fine inner workings.

The positive impact of using a powerful cleanser like chlorine dioxide to ramp up the sterilization ability of a standard endoscope washer is obvious. This generator is effective, easy to use, and comes with all the bells and whistles you would expect from today’s high tech manufacturers. A probe detects the level of Cl02 concentration, a printer maps the volume of water treated, and adjustable dispensing from 1-125 parts per million can be set to suit the job at hand.

LaboratoryTalk has the scoop on a new partnership formed between Tristel Technologies and Innova manufacturer BHT Hygienetechnik. Together they are bringing the highest quality of decontamination equipment to the NHS in Great Britain. Tristel is currently looking to expand its business to even more countries as additional distributors come on line.

Industrial Uses For Cl02 Equipment Abound

Since the first mass outbreak of Legionalla induced pneumonia in 1976, code inspectors have been keeping a close eye on water treatment processes in manufacturing facilities. Cooling towers are a prime location where this deadly bacteria can thrive. Since detection can mean quarantine and plant shut-down in extreme cases, infestation prevention is crucial. Regular treatment with Cl02 can keep the water in evaporative coolers pure.

Food processing equipment is another candidate for chemical treatment since anything we like to eat is also prime fodder for bacteria. Keeping contamination of produce and meat products to a minimum can help prevent the type of scary food recalls that have filled the news lately.

Municipal water disinfection for the public has been carried out with the assistance of chlorine dioxide for over 50 years in the U.S. and the U.K. and has a great track record. Growing concerns over the safety of non oxidized chlorine may see even more cities choosing Cl02 as the more healthful alternative. Viruses, bacteria, algae, pesticides and even some heavy metal contaminants can be successfully treated in our water supply through appropriate use of this chemical application.

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