TOMY ES-315 Sterilizer – ERR message – What shall I do?

ERR normally shows a number after indicating the input error (eg. Water level sensor is 1).  Err with no number indicates multiple errors.   If you press start when there is no water in the chamber and the lid is open, you will get an ERR 0 (or ERR according to TOMY).  I have only one case of ERR only and that was related to an external incident that damaged the autoclave severely.  I have never seen this error otherwise (20+ year history).

TOMY changed the circuit board for the new sterilizers around the year 2010, and most likely the ERR without number was added to the logic.

The best course is to make sure the chamber has sufficient water, close the lid and the exhaust valve.  That should isolate the error if there is still one.  If not, they will need to go through the inputs to see which components are failing.  If the inputs test, then the problem is probably with the board.

Thank you,

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